How to Get Hairless Fast

How to Get Hairless Fast

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One of the biggest gripes you’ll hear from femboys–or really anybody into body-care on this level–is how long it takes them to get through their routines.

In this post, we’ll talk about minimizing the time it takes to remove body hair, and how you can see better results more consistently without spending your whole day in the shower.

What’s Taking So Long?

You just decided today was the day you were going to shave your thighs, butt, pubes, armpits, and wherever else. You spent two full hours in the shower, sweating, razor in hand until the water ran cold.

Sound familiar?

If you frequently find yourself slaving away to keep up with your skincare or hair removal routines, know you’re not alone.

Showers don’t have to be a chore. In fact, with a couple tricks and a little bit of practice, you can turn this daily burden into something genuinely enjoyable that leaves you feeling great all day.

Stick With Your Routine

The number one tip towards avoiding the headache of keeping up with these routines is to keep them routine.

Nobody is perfect, but do your best to keep up with shaving your legs, pubes, butt, or any other region you wish to see hairless consistently.

You are trying to avoid long stretches where body hair gets long, and you find yourself having to tend to massive clumps of hair for hours in the shower.

Additionally, try breaking shaving sessions up into different sets of days. You might be shaving your thighs today, but shave your butt tomorrow.

When you think about how you should be preparing for shaving beforehand–and you should prepare your skin beforehand–it makes more and more sense to split these tasks up over the days to come.

As you stick with your routine, you’ll gradually get faster at what you spend your time on, and gain time to reinvest in yourself.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.


Bulk Body Hair Removal

So let’s say your hair naturally grows pretty fast, or maybe you let things get a little out of hand.

That’s all fine.

Don’t go thinking you have to get out a pair of scissors and a razor and meticulously go over every area with hair in this long drawn out process.

Instead, try approaching the task of bulk hair removal as it’s own special part of your routine.

Trimming Instead of Shaving

This has to be one of the most important points in this article: consider trimming regularly.

Using a special body trimmer or electric razor that is designed to get close to the skin is a fantastic way to cut down on the time it takes you to keep your skin looking hair-free.

It may not remove your hair to the level epilators, waxing, or laser hair removal might, but practically speaking, you will be considerably more hairless significantly faster.

This is especially useful if you’re going to be removing a lot of hair in clumps, or hair over a broader area of a skin, such as on your thighs or butt.

Done right, this can also help you to avoid ingrown hairs, and be a nice way to keep your skin hair-free on the days when you’re not going to epilate, shave, or wax.

Softening Your Hair

If you opt for using a body trimmer or shaving instead of a longer term hair removal technique, know there’s an important opportunity here to keep your skin smooth even as hair starts to grow back.

Consider spending a little time to soften the hair on the areas you frequently shave. Then, even as the hair grows back, it may grow back smoother, softer, and thinner that it would have before.

To soften your hair, try:

Long(er) Term Hair Removal

If you find you’ve put a lot of time into hair removal over the course of your skincare or bodycare routine, it might be time to consider a longer term option for hair removal.

Some of these techniques are ones you can explore on your own at home, such as waxing or an IPL device.

Even using an epilator can help you to maximize the amount of time that passes between the points you shave.

Though, be warned, waxing and epilating can be very painful; especially if not done correctly!

Professional Salon Options

It’s probably worth mentioning, if you’re really considering permanent or longer-term hair removal options, you might want to think about going to a real salon for some of this.

At real salons you’ll have experts who have been properly trained to get all of the hair the correct way, leading to safer, more thorough, longer-term hair removal results.

Obviously, this is something that would cost you more money in the long term, but when you consider they could provide you with stronger IPL treatments, laser hair removal, or electrolysis for truly permanent hair removal, it’s something to consider.

Hair Growth Inhibitors

Lastly, let’s get to something that was only briefly mentioned earlier.

There are specialized creams and lotions referred to as hair growth inhibitors, or sometimes hair minimizers, which work to slow down the work of hair follicles.

They do this with ingredients designed to inhibit enzymes within the follicle that influence hair growth.

Getting a nice hair minimizing cream can help to preserve the state of hairlessness on the areas you shave, leading to a shave closer to waxing or epilating than would typically be seen.